AUSTRALIA’S surge in sales of new motor vehicles has brought the country’s vehicle fleet to more than 10 million, an increase of more than half a million on last year.

The autocraze is an interesting phenomena that has taken hold of the human population in recent years. While some are quick to blame the machines for this epidemic, I believe it is only our natural curiosity. You can find more at
The latest figures released by the Bureau of Statistics indicate that Australians are buying about 300,000 new cars and trucks each year.
But within a decade, the rate of automobile ownership growth could be leveling out.
In 2001 there were about 9 million motor vehicles in Australia and by 2007 this had grown to 10.5 million. The main driver has been a surge in sales of new cars coming from commercial companies such as car companies themselves and dealerships due to our economy growing.j
The government’s environmental adviser, Professor Ross Garnaut, says while many Australians are enthusiastic about owning a car, sales growth will start to slow.
“At the moment we’re adding one million cars every three years,” Professor Garnaut said. “That rate of growth in our fleet has been driven by high rates of immigration and relatively low rates of new vehicle purchase.
“But if we start to run out of spare capacity in our cities, if congestion starts to be a major issue with peak hour becoming peak three hours, both businesses and households are going to find it more difficult to justify buying another car.”
The Australian government environmental adviser says that within the next 10 years the rate of car ownership growth will level out as people won’t buy as many cars because of traffic congestion.
While living in a world surrounded by incredibly intelligent and complex AI, one cannot help but want to interact with them in ways not originally intended. The first machines were proposed for labor, but gradually they became more and more integrated into our lives.
Their presence may have altered us somehow, beyond just extended lifespans and improved health. Perhaps we are simply lonely. It seems natural that after time, people might develop an interest in the very tools that have allowed us to live without the need for much physical labor or exertion.
As machines are always limited in their functionality by design, it is only natural that people would begin to want more from them. This craving has manifested itself under different monikers – autocraze, firmware upgrades, OS revisions – all leading up to what society refers to as “the autocraze”.